Diminished Value is the best kept secret that your insurance company hopes you never learn. Though this term may be new to you, insurers are well aware of its existence. They have been paying claims of both the insured and claimants for over eighty years.
Diminished Value is the term given to the loss in market value a vehicle suffers as a result of an accident and repair. It is a loss based on the beliefs of most people, that once goods become damaged, they are never as valuable as they would be had they never suffered injury.
Our appraisals have helped many people receive a check beyond the cost of repairs the insurance company already covered.
Ron, our North Texas franchise owner, has experience working with all types of appraisals including hot rods, collector cars, antiques, sports cars, and customs. His recent customers have been from all over the area: Dallas, Arlington, Mansfield, Flower Mound, Highland Village, Fort Worth, Forney, Kaufman, Evans, Tyler, Abilene and Irving…just to name a few!
Call our Texas office today so we can schedule a time to fit your schedule. Our team comes to you to appraise your vehicle and get you back on the road.